Texican Marketing
During those early years, it never computes that any big idea can fail. The thought just wins, develops, works out, and comes to fruition. You never give it a second thought, just like you may be doing now.
There is the success of getting it, concept-to-reality, done. It’s enough. With age, however, comes caution, the producer’s bane.
Ideas are the engine of living fully, participating in the flow of productivity, being an instigator of provisioning things never before seen, experienced, shared, sold and held for a possibility of generations.
Put the temper of time aside. Let’s consider the plausibility of creative possibilities. Artist, Producer, CEO, Manager, whatever the dream, the vision, the need, we can help you realize that creative goal, get those business communication tools working…just…get it done!
Corporate Communications
Big corporations or small businesses, we are available to produce for either: advertising (print and electronic media), public affairs (the spectrum of speech writing, crisis management development and handling, special events management, awareness, branding, specialty product production and distribution), collateral, technical and bid management response management, training; our experience is extensive. We are ready to work with you from conception through ongoing management.
Artist with Undiscovered Talent?
We engage and support creative talent: writers, painters, photographers, sculptors and musicians: assessing, developing, employing, and making their works for public and personal enjoyment.
Artist Representation/Agent
We work with artists and producer/managers in creating strategies and positioning of fine art and commercial art products, including unpublished literature, music, paintings, and sculpture. Texican Marketing creates, finds and develops distribution channels for professionally produced, unpublished artworks for writers, painters and sculptors. TM collaborates with our clients in creating just the right message and vehicle for promoting and bringing new artworks for sale to collectors and corporate publics.
TM will review your work and provide professional counsel, including marketability, level of quality, and awareness platform construction, editing, and final polish. We will either publish ourselves or work to help find a publisher. We will also get your work to market on a fee-based initiative in either hard-copy or E-print.
Creative types we favor are working in words, paint, bronze, marble, mixed media, wood and electronic media are numerous. Each has their own style and is either established with life lists or is promising. You could be one of our resources. All it takes is dropping us an email with a writing précis, outline and 10-page sample, or a couple of JPEGS of your work, to see what’s possible for both of us.
Publishing: Hardcopy and E-pub.
We publish and represent our own work and will work with you in doing the same.
In a hurry? We’ll help you get your work independently produced and independently marketed in either hardcopy or E-pub or both.
Not in a hurry? Then we’ll represent your efforts to national and international publishing resources as a fee-based initiative.
Well, how much?
An associate called in a panic saying that her company had been spun-off and the powers that be had settled on an exotic animal for the logo, they wanted an awareness campaign up and running nationally ASAP and she had not a clue where to find this exotic outside a zoo for an action in the wild shoot and could we “handle and have the ads ready for national slots in three weeks?”
“Yes,” we’d get it done. Cost was not discussed. She wanted one of Charlie’s “big bears” as noted in the Atelier “…how much?” side of the house.
We did some very fast, intensive research and found exactly what we needed no farther than 40 miles away. What we got was action that was as close to Africa as could be.
I fell in love with the place. It was a non-profit sanctuary in a breathtaking Texas Hill Country vista of limestone hills and pastures. We developed, pro-bono, a series of film/video productions designed to raise awareness, financial support, and volunteer participation in growing and sustaining the operation.
Two other “entertainment” operations, aware of both the commercial and sustentation shoots, called us, one for a similar wildlife park promotion and the other for a theme park marketing assessment. Both were problem children. The first was on the verge of collapse, the second with a partner resistant to change. We knew the limitation of the first, looming bankruptcy is not conducive to big ideas. We developed a strategy of managing those partners who were agreeable to change to help bring around the holdout to change for the second initiative.
The financially strapped business we helped with the gate and didn’t lose either one of us any cash. Unfortunately, the principal set a premise structure fire, collected insurance, got caught, and was, well…you know.
The obstinate partner’s group made some modest initial changes based on our market study and, with apparent success in increasing gate and introduction of a new product, was able to see their products grow ROI faster than anticipated. We, in turn, were rewarded with a fair share of the upside.
You can be assured that whatever the agreed upon compensation, the investment will be managed to produce what you need, with results of which all of us can be proud and on budget.

Acquisition & Management

Branding & Advertising

Consulting & Production